Our Goals
Our Planning Process
Friends of Cuscowilla held a planning and goal setting retreat December 9, 2023 at Cuscowilla Nature and Retreat Center. At this retreat, members of the Board of Directors identified a number of long and short term priorities and goals for the organization. These were approved by the Board in January 2024.
Friends of Cuscowilla held a planning and goal setting retreat December 9, 2023 at Cuscowilla Nature and Retreat Center. At this retreat, members of the Board of Directors identified a number of long and short term priorities and goals for the organization. These were approved by the Board in January 2024.
Friends of Cuscowilla Goals
Goal 1
Raise funds and grants from businesses, foundations, individuals, and other sources of
potential financial contributions to support the overall mission and goals of both the
Cuscowilla Nature and Retreat Center and the Friends of Cuscowilla Board of Directors
Objective 1:
Establish a standing Fundraising Committee within the Board of Directors Bylaws to
handle grants, fundraising and donations to support the overall mission and goals of the
Cuscowilla Nature and Retreat Center and the Friends of Cuscowilla Board of Directors.
Objective 2
Raise Funds to support camperships, public events, and educational planning.
Objective 3
Raise funds to provide up to 20 Camperships for the 2024 Summer Day Camp.
Objective 4
Raise Funds to provide environmental and nature-based, educational programming.
Goal 2
Coordinate and facilitate environmental and nature-based education and training for Florida
teachers, environmental groups, campers, and the public.
Objective 1
Offer workshops for teachers K-12 from Alachua County to develop hands-on science
activities for use in their classes and in visits to Cuscowilla.
Objective 2
Identify opportunities to support environmental and nature-based programming for
summer campers.
Goal 3
Support development of the proposed Cuscowilla Exploration Center
Objective 1
Raise funds and grants to build and develop the proposed Cuscowilla Exploration Center
Goal 4
Connect Friends of Cuscowilla with supporting groups to increase community awareness and
involvement in new and ongoing activities and events at Cuscowilla.
Objective 1
Develop a communications and outreach campaign that promotes involvement at
Cuscowilla and becoming a Friend of Cuscowilla.
Objective 2
Develop connections with private and public organizations to facilitate new events and
activities while continuing to build upon the existing Cuscowilla connections.
Objective 3
Develop volunteer and donor appreciation incentives to encourage engagement and
enthusiasm about Friends of Cuscowilla.
Objective 4
Identify potential programs and activities appropriate to the environment of Cuscowilla Nature
and Retreat Center where paid admission, financial donations/contributions, and/or other supporting assistance could increase the sustainability of the Center.
Goal 1
Raise funds and grants from businesses, foundations, individuals, and other sources of
potential financial contributions to support the overall mission and goals of both the
Cuscowilla Nature and Retreat Center and the Friends of Cuscowilla Board of Directors
Objective 1:
Establish a standing Fundraising Committee within the Board of Directors Bylaws to
handle grants, fundraising and donations to support the overall mission and goals of the
Cuscowilla Nature and Retreat Center and the Friends of Cuscowilla Board of Directors.
Objective 2
Raise Funds to support camperships, public events, and educational planning.
Objective 3
Raise funds to provide up to 20 Camperships for the 2024 Summer Day Camp.
Objective 4
Raise Funds to provide environmental and nature-based, educational programming.
Goal 2
Coordinate and facilitate environmental and nature-based education and training for Florida
teachers, environmental groups, campers, and the public.
Objective 1
Offer workshops for teachers K-12 from Alachua County to develop hands-on science
activities for use in their classes and in visits to Cuscowilla.
Objective 2
Identify opportunities to support environmental and nature-based programming for
summer campers.
Goal 3
Support development of the proposed Cuscowilla Exploration Center
Objective 1
Raise funds and grants to build and develop the proposed Cuscowilla Exploration Center
Goal 4
Connect Friends of Cuscowilla with supporting groups to increase community awareness and
involvement in new and ongoing activities and events at Cuscowilla.
Objective 1
Develop a communications and outreach campaign that promotes involvement at
Cuscowilla and becoming a Friend of Cuscowilla.
Objective 2
Develop connections with private and public organizations to facilitate new events and
activities while continuing to build upon the existing Cuscowilla connections.
Objective 3
Develop volunteer and donor appreciation incentives to encourage engagement and
enthusiasm about Friends of Cuscowilla.
Objective 4
Identify potential programs and activities appropriate to the environment of Cuscowilla Nature
and Retreat Center where paid admission, financial donations/contributions, and/or other supporting assistance could increase the sustainability of the Center.